Creating An Abundance Mindset in the Nonprofit World: An Interview with Nell Edgington
We recently had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible Nell Edgington of Social Velocity. Nell helps nonprofit and philanthropic leaders become more strategic, financially savvy, and confident at creating social change.
In her new book, Reinventing Social Change: Embrace Abundance to a Healthier and More Equitable World, Nell provides a strategic roadmap for social change leaders.
We think this is such an important conversation to have in the nonprofit world, that we wanted to share this with you. Some highlights include:
-Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset in the Nonprofit World
-The One Word That Can Open Up Your Possibilities
-Debunking Nonprofit “Myths”
-The Difference Between Over-Giving vs. Generous Giving
And SO much more!
InReach Solutions interview with Nell Edgington of Social Velocity.
Nell Edgington has spent her 25-year career innovating in the social change sector.
As president of Social Velocity, she helps create more strategic, financially savvy, and confident nonprofit and philanthropic leaders and organizations. She is a popular writer, speaker, and blogger, and author of Reinventing Social Change: Embrace Abundance to Create a Healthier and More Equitable World coming from Page Two Books in February 2021. Nell is a member of the national Leap Ambassadors Community, a network of more than 250 social change thought leaders. And she holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.